Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Evil Villainy Amongst Losers

In an episode that at first seemed to announce Armageddon, the first prophecy to fulfill the protevangelium came through at the end. No. I'm not talking about "Left Behind" (book or movie). I'm talking about "The Biggest Loser."

This season began badly and got worse when the duos of family members split up into the traditional two teams: black and blue. I'd never complain about Jillian; her tactics bring a smile to my face. And I have my individual favorites....and not favorites. The not favorites, as fate would have it, ended up teaming up on the blue team and birthing the demonic Vicky/Heba stronghold (or death hold, as you will).

Though Heba is simply annoying in her strident attitude that she's in charge, we all know Vicky's pulling the manipulator's reigns. She sparks conflict, fuels feuds, and feeds contestants to elimination....until tonight.

In the greatest turn of events in any single episode, Vicky's husband (and alliance) was up for elimination with a member of the opposite team. Blue vs. Black. Blue with 4 votes, black with 2. It was going to be a dark, dark day. Vicky confidently announced to the audience that it didn't matter that Brady was on the chopping block, blue had the dominant number of votes. But she underestimated the quietest teammate (and thereby the ONLY blue member I can stand to watch), good ole Amy C. Amy voted Brady and tossed him off the ranch, presumably igniting the wrath of Vicky, and effectively redistributing herself back onto the black team.

I honestly don't think she cares about losing weight--it's all about winning the money. The weight is only a means to the money. And money, as we know, is the root of all evil.

Advantage: black.
Hopeful outcome: the defeat of evil.

It's the American way. May the good guys win and the vi[cky]llain get her due.

I feel like doing an evil laugh in anticipation.

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